SoundLife Scarborough in the Media

10 Major things that happened this year at U of T Scarborough

Article by Alexa Battler | University of Toronto Scarborough News

“.. it was a banner year for U of T Scarborough”

We put a piano in one of the busiest spots on campus — and everyone is welcome to play

Article by Alexa Battler | University of Toronto Scarborough News

“A picturesque piano — hand painted by a computer science alum who hadn’t touched a paint brush in years — is available for anyone to play in one of the busiest areas at U of T Scarborough.” 

Year in review: 20 unforgettable moments at U of T Scarborough in 2023

Article by Alexa Battler | University of Toronto Scarborough News

“SLS is a centre dedicated to creating and supporting free, accessible opportunities to make music within and beyond the university.”

U of T Scarborough grad creates spaces where equity, mental health and music thrive

Article by Alexa Battler | University of Toronto News

“‘Star on the rise’: Delicia Raveenthrarajan has won awards for her advocacy and efforts to make music accessible to all”

Collaborative Dreaming: SoundLife Scarborough - Inspiration

Page 24 | Community Partnerships & Engagement - 2023 Annual Report

“With participants in attendance ranging from eight to 80 years old, SoundLife Scarborough is a beautiful demonstration of our diverse community network in action.”

Unique centre dedicated to making music with community partners launches at U of T Scarborough

Article by Alexa Battler | University of Toronto Scarborough News

“A new centre launched by the music and culture program at U of T Scarborough is removing barriers to making music — and not just for students.”

SoundLife Scarborough: A New Centre for Music and Community Engagement at UTSC

Article by Daniela Atere | Re:Think

“The creation of SLS adds a new dimension to the work by bringing together existing community music-centered partnerships into one visible and accessible space.”